Friday, June 12, 2009

Cheap Thrills

Coke vs. Pepsi, McDonald's vs. Burger King, Prince vs. Michael Jackson...the battles rage on. So when it's time to find cute stuff on the cheap which store wins when it's Forever 21 vs. H & M? Both offer a wide array of trendy finds. But which store is really worth your time? Don't worry, I'll settle this.

  • Largest Selection - Forever 21 (This store offers a wide selection of just about every trend imaginable)

  • Best Quality- H & M (For the price, H&M offers durable materials that hold up through washing and wearing-no more wondering how the dress the size of a 4 year old got in your laundry basket)

  • Cheapest Prices - Forever 21 (Both are reasonable but you can actually buy a $3 t-shirt here)
  • Best Fit- H & M (H&M usually has well cut styles that fit the way they look like they should. I find that Forever 21 is cut too small or not well proportioned)
  • Most Cutting Edge Fashion- H & M (You can often find trends straight off the runway looks that rivals high priced designers pieces. H&M also collaborates with designers like Roberto Cavalli and Matthew Williamson to create in-store collections for a limited time)

  • Most Age Appropriate- H & M (Those under 18 this doesn't apply to you. But, if you wore fluorescent suspenders and legwarmers in the 80s [Forever 21 is well stocked with these items] maybe you should sit this one out)

Based on extensive research, my vote's for H & M (although I have a good friend who will fight me to the death on this one). But if you can't decide you don't have to pick one over the other. I completely understand-I've yet to choose when it comes to Purple Rain vs. Thriller.

above photo: outfit from Forever 21

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