Friday, August 21, 2009

Fridays Are For Fun

Happy Friday girls! The week is winding down so I naturally start to look to the weekend for some fun. Well look what I found, an old Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam performance. Here's a blast from the past from some horrific Scottish dance show so typical of the 80's (gotta love 'em). You can't deny the girl was a trendsetter and it's always fun to go back to a time and pinpoint when trends were started (a time long ago when even breasts were real). Check the clothes, dance moves and you can't miss the hair-just priceless. See if you can spot any current trends. Enjoy!

Watch the first 4 minutes of this video. For a real time warp keep watching and see what videos were on the countdown. I wish I could figure out what year this was ('85 maybe?).

Check out the original video for Lisa Lisa's I Wonder If I Take You Home here! BTW, I can't even handle those mesh/net shirt contraptions Full Force are wearing, you gotta see this.

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