Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Countdown: (Really) Last Minute Gift Ideas

5...4...3...2...1 more day of shopping girls! Yes, this is the last possible day to get any holiday shopping accomplished. If your done, ignore this message. If not, you're still a good person (at least that's what I tell myself). To be honest I have no business writing this post because I'm sooo behind (procrastination wins again). But just know that last minute shoppers will still get some very deep discounts due to the economy and retailer's desperation to have you buy something. Check out some of these coupons and take them with you. I do have two last minute shopping ideas for you.

  • Magazines: This is an affordable, easy gift to give and it keeps giving all year. It might sound corny but I absolutely love to get a new magazine in the mail. Just fill out the reply card and send it in. You can wrap a copy of this month's magazine and write them a note that they will enjoy a subscription in 4 to 6 weeks.

  • Pajamas: I remember countless pictures in my pajamas were always taken on Christmas morning as I opened my gifts. We always need to be camera ready so wouldn't it be better to be photographed in brand new pajamas? This gift is perfect for anyone in the family and is always something easy to pick up at the last minute. I would be great to have the recipient open this late night on Christmas Eve and throw on right before bed. Why not create a cute tradition of opening up a new pair of PJs on Christmas Eve.

Have a Merry Christmas girls! Gotta go, some of us still have shopping to do. Do you have any good last minute gift ideas? Let me know.

1 comment:

Dance411 said...

well thanks! i'm going out to get marley some Christmas pj's now :)