- Largest Selection - Forever 21 (This store offers a wide selection of just about every trend imaginable)
- Best Quality- H & M (For the price, H&M offers durable materials that hold up through washing and wearing-no more wondering how the dress the size of a 4 year old got in your laundry basket)
- Cheapest Prices - Forever 21 (Both are reasonable but you can actually buy a $3 t-shirt here)
- Best Fit- H & M (H&M usually has well cut styles that fit the way they look like they should. I find that Forever 21 is cut too small or not well proportioned)
- Most Cutting Edge Fashion- H & M (You can often find trends straight off the runway looks that rivals high priced designers pieces. H&M also collaborates with designers like Roberto Cavalli and Matthew Williamson to create in-store collections for a limited time)
- Most Age Appropriate- H & M (Those under 18 this doesn't apply to you. But, if you wore fluorescent suspenders and legwarmers in the 80s [Forever 21 is well stocked with these items] maybe you should sit this one out)
Based on extensive research, my vote's for H & M (although I have a good friend who will fight me to the death on this one). But if you can't decide you don't have to pick one over the other. I completely understand-I've yet to choose when it comes to Purple Rain vs. Thriller.
above photo: outfit from Forever 21
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