Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Meet Me At The Bar

There's nothing more that I hate than going to the gym (with the exception of taxes, parking tickets, and probably Mondays). But, I may have discovered a new method of exercise that may not be completely torturous. It's called The Bar Method (alright, it's a little torturous) and it combines isometrics, pilates, yoga and the ballet bar. It's supposed to give you long lean dancer-like muscles with results as early as a month. I'm a sucker for a short cut so it's worth a shot (my month starts today). If all is well I might throw out some comparison photos for you to see. If not, I'll pretend the class never happened. We shall see.

photo courtesy of

Another fun way to get fit on the sly, Pole Dancing. It's a complete blast that's a lot harder than it looks. I always feel super sexy afterwards minus the sore muscles that make me swear I was in a car accident.

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